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Asked by: Atanaska Leyaristi
home and garden indoor environmental qualityAre 2 stage furnaces more efficient?
Similarly, does a 2 stage furnace really save money?
Your two stage furnace saves on energy costs because it doesn't burn as much fuel. Your two-stage furnace saves gas because it doesn't dump as much fuel into the heat exchanger when it's only moderately cold outside.
Consequently, what is the advantage of a two stage furnace?
Benefits of Two-Stage Heating Typically, a two-stage furnace runs on the lower setting around 75% to 80% of the time. This setting offers a number of advantages: A steady flow of warm air keeps temperatures consistent and even throughout your home. Lower fan speed means less noise.
Most new oil furnaces have AFUE ratings between 80% and 90%, while their gas counterparts boast ratings between 89% and 98%. Although gas furnaces are more efficient than oil furnaces, that efficiency comes at a price—gas units are typically priced 10% to 25% higher than the same size oil furnace.