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Asked by: Geni Jeltukhin
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow much does McDonald's Quarter Pounder weigh?
In this regard, how much does a 1/4 pound burger weigh?
The answer is yes, but let's start with the factthat "quarter pound" refers to weight and not size.But yes, our Quarter Pounder's patty is at least113.4 grams (or 1/4 pound) before we grill it. We think it's1/4 pound per pound, one of the best burgersaround. We hope you like it, too.
People also ask, how much does a McDonald's Patty weight?
These weights are approximate: the uncookedweight of our hamburger patties is 45.4g. Aftercooking, they weigh 30g. Incidentally, we haven't changedthe size of our hamburger patty since the firstMcDonald's restaurant opened in 1967 in Canada. QuarterPounders patties are 113.4g uncooked and 78gcooked.
Bacon Quarter Pounder With Cheese (Classic) 640Cal.