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Asked by: Kari Zhelezovsky
music and audio rhythm and bluesWhat happened to Melvin blue from the temptations?
In this manner, what happened to Melvin from the temptations?
On February 17, 1995, Melvin Franklin went into a coma after a series of seizures, and never recovered. He died of a brain seizure on February 23, 1995 at the age of fifty-two.
Secondly, how many of the temptations are still alive?
Otis Williams is the only remaining living member of the group who is still touring under The Temptations banner. Williams is alive and well and according to The Temptations' official website, he will be hitting the road for a few dates next year at the age of 76.
Melvin Franklin passed away in 1995; 3 years prior to the release of this film. He died after lapsing into a coma from numerous seizures, which were brought on by his compromised immune system.