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Asked by: Evgueni Mrevlishvili
style and fashion womens intimates and sleepwearHow much do size DD breast weigh?
For many women, this has been a burdensome trend. A pairof D-cup breasts weighs between 15 and 23 pounds—theequivalent of carrying around two small turkeys. The larger thebreasts, the more they move and the greater thediscomfort.
Similarly, how much do a cup breast weigh?
Similarly, you may ask, does breast size affect weight?
Changes in Weight Your breasts are made up of breast tissue(including lobules and ducts that are called into action whilebreastfeeding) and fat tissue. So when you gain weight, yourbreasts increase in size. When you lose weight, youmay notice they shrink.
In the US system, a DD can also be an E. A DDDcan also be an E, or an F. Some companies skip E altogether.What cup size is labeled what is largely up to the company thatmakes the bra, with only a little standardizing between the manycompanies in the US. In the UK system, there is noDDD.