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Asked by: Ioar Paval
home and garden indoor environmental qualityAre air purifiers expensive to run?
Likewise, do air purifiers use a lot of energy?
According to Energy Star, the average air purifier consumes 550 kilowatt hours per year in electricity, or approximately as much energy as a modern refrigerator. If you're concerned with energy conservation, choose an air purifier with the Energy Star label.
Consequently, do air purifiers run up your electric bill?
Your air purifiers are much more energy efficient than most of your popular electric devices. As you can see, using an air purifier isn't going to impact your electricity bill tremendously. We are happy to give you a few examples of how many watts does your air purifier use.
This also means that you should run your air purifier all day and night long without turning it off. The reasoning to this is very simple as clean air will get contaminated again within 3-4 hours time if you had left your air purifier turned off. Therefore, it is highly advisable to run the air purifier 24 hours a day.