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Asked by: Petyo Scheiwein
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryAre arrest records public in Louisiana?
Similarly, it is asked, how do I find an arrest report?
You can visit your local sheriff's office orcourthouse and request to see arrest records. The countyclerk may ask for an administration fee, which isn't exactly"free." If you know the particular record that youwant to view, you can make an FOIA request by contacting the FBI.This usually costs $25 for one record.
Keeping this in view, are death certificates public record in Louisiana?
Louisiana is a "closed record" state. Thismeans that birth and death certificates are not publicrecords. All requests for birth or death certificatesmust include proper identification, appropriate fees, and acompleted application.
Louisiana Arrest Records and WarrantSearch Article 202 of the code states that awarrant is a court issued order for arrest which canonly be released by the magistrate of a local tribunal withcriminal jurisdiction.