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Asked by: Haroa Bersch
technology and computing desktopsAre ATX motherboards better than micro ATX?
In this regard, is ATX or Micro ATX better?
While ATX and Micro ATXmotherboardscanboth support up to four RAM modules, the Mini ITXcan onlysupporttwo. ATX and Micro ATX, on the otherhand,cansupport twice as much memory. However, this isn't muchofadeal-breaker for gamers, seeing as even 16 GB of RAM ismorethanenough for a gaming PC today.
In this manner, what is the difference between a micro ATX and ATX motherboard?
Micro ATX is one of the offshootsofATX,and its main difference from the mainATXform factoris size. ATX retains a generallyrectangularboard sizemeasuring 305mm. by 244mm. While ATXboardstypically havefive expansion slots, Micro ATXtypically hasthree withfour being the absolutemaximum.
Sometimes referred to as themATX,themicroATX is a motherboard that is 9.6"wide x9.6"deep and capable of being as small as 6.75" wide x 6.75"deep.Thismotherboard was first introduced by Intel inDecember1997and is a smaller motherboard that can be used ineitheranATX case or smaller computer case.