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Asked by: Chong Guernica
video gaming exercise and fitness video gamesAre brain games good for you?
Regarding this, are puzzle games good for your brain?
The goal is eventually to develop gamesthatrewire our brains to improve memory and cognitivefunction.What we do know is that brain games improve thespecificfunction that is being trained. So, for example, if you doa lot ofcrossword puzzles, you might get really goodatcrossword puzzles.
Likewise, is studying good for your brain?
Studying ANY new topic can prevent/slowtheonset of lowered brain function common to oldage, likeAlzheimer's. There's even some evidence that it canimproveyour overall physical health as well. Keep yourbrainhealthy, no matter what your career or lifeaspirations are!Good luck.
A brain game like sudoku, as wellascrossword puzzles, taking classes, reading, and writing, canhelpdelay dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and protectthebrain from decline. And, says Snyder, while itoffersgood exercise and stimulation for thebrain,sudoku can actually be veryrelaxing.