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Asked by: Issaga Buettgens
business and finance construction industryAre breeze blocks structural?
Correspondingly, what are breeze blocks used for?
They are those cinder blocks that havebeenstacked and designed to create a mosaic or other pattern. Mostofthe time you have seen them outside as their primary purpose wastoallow a breeze into the home area while giving thehomeownera certain degree of privacy.
Also to know, are breeze blocks concrete?
A concrete masonry unit (CMU) is a standardsizerectangular block used in building construction. Thosethatuse cinders (fly ash or bottom ash) are called cinderblocksin the United States, breeze blocks(breeze is asynonym of ash) in the United Kingdom, andhollow blocks inthe Philippines.
A breeze-block is a large, greybrickmade from ashes and cement. They are planting a forestofoak, ash and .