Asked by: Yolimar Bachiri
home and garden landscaping

Are coffee grounds good for banana trees?

And try saving your old coffee grounds as they are an excellent source of slow-release nitrogen. Sprinkle used grounds around your plants every two months before rain or watering and your banana plants will be happy! The banana will quit growing during the colder climate so its requirements are less demanding.

Keeping this in consideration, what is the best fertilizer for banana trees?

A banana plant's rapid growth rate makes it a heavy feeder. Young plants may need as much as ¼ to ½ pound of fertilizer per month. A balanced fertilizer of 8-10-8 (NPK) is recommended.

Subsequently, question is, is Miracle Grow good for banana trees? The miracle grow will probably work fine if it's the 24-8-16 type..but, if you have other options similar to the above mentioned ferts, use those instead.

Then, which plants like used coffee grounds?

Fresh Coffee Grounds for Acid-Loving Plants Your acid-loving plants like hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, lily of the valley, blueberries, carrots, and radishes can get a boost from fresh grounds. However, tomatoes do not like fresh coffee grounds; keep them out of that area of the garden.

Which plants like banana peels?

Tomatoes. According to a field trial run by Jim Sherman, organic gardening consultant, the roots of tomato plants swaddled in banana peels produce tomatoes that are twice as big as plants grown without them. The large amounts of potassium in the banana skins are credited for producing such robust tomatoes.

Related Question Answers

Nihal Puell


Is Epsom salt good for banana trees?

The chemical compounds of the element potassium seem especially favorable to the growth of banana trees- 40% potash applied directly to the soil. Magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts) and chelated iron are also dramatic stimulators to banana trees on sandy southern soils, where those chemical elements are often deficient.

Keisha Zarro


Should you cut dead leaves off banana trees?

Although banana trees do not need much trimming, cutting off old, dead leaves helps stimulate growth. Removing leaves that rub against the banana bunch helps with fruit production. As banana trees stand quite tall, be prepared to climb in your efforts to trim the uppermost leaves.

Marko El Aoufi


Do banana trees need a lot of water?

Bananas need regualr watering to sustain the large tropical leaves and produce sweet tasty fruit. You should expect to water slowly and deeply every 2 or 3 days during the warmer months. Banana plants stop growing during the cooler months when temperatures stay below 50's so wont need much water.

Geminiano Wasi


Are there male and female banana trees?

As the flower stalk grows, it bends downward. The female flowers emerge first, and these are the ones that produce bananas. Sterile and then male flowers form below the female flowers, but these don't develop fruit and usually fall off. Because they don't need pollination, a lone "Cavendish" plant will produce fruit.

Samreen Kamke


Do banana plants need fertilizer?

Like many other plants, banana fertilizer requirements include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You may choose to use a balanced fertilizer on a regular basis that contains all of the micro and secondary nutrients the plant needs or divide feedings according to the plant's growing needs.

Huseyin Escadas


Joost Astrov


What kind of fertilizer do banana plants need?

Potassium (K), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers should be given to the roots after planting. The leaf and soil analysis can be used to determine the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A fertilizer with N:P:K ratio 10:2:22 is recommended for banana plants.

Kamile Kappauf


Do coffee grounds keep bugs away?

According to the EPA, coffee grounds are a safe and effective way to keep pests away. Coffee grounds can help repel not only mosquitos but also other annoying insects like wasps and bees. Coffee grounds have a strong smell but it's even stronger when they are burned. This smell will bother the pests and keep them away.

Ellyn Monch


Which plants do not like coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds are highly acidic, they note, so they should be reserved for acid-loving plants like azaleas and blueberries. And if your soil is already high in nitrogen, the extra boost from coffee grounds could stunt the growth of fruits and flowers.

Tornike Mingueza


Are eggshells good for plants?

Fertilizer. Above: When tilled into the soil, ground eggshells provide your plants with calcium. Though nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are most vital for healthy growth, calcium is also essential for building healthy “bones”—the cell walls of a plant. More shells can be mixed into your soil in the spring.

Oceane Cheran


Can I put coffee grounds in my potted plants?

If you want to try adding coffee grounds directly to the soil of your houseplants, only add a thin layer of no more than 1/2 inch and then cover the coffee with a layer of mulch about 4 inches thick, suggests the Puyallup Research and Extension Service at Washington State University.

Suleyman Liddle


Do coffee grounds attract rats?

Used coffee grounds are unlikely to repel rats, but rats don't want to eat them, and they get the compost cooking quickly. If you've got rats or other critters visiting your compost, adding hefty doses of chili pepper flakes, also available in bulk, will usually get them moving elsewhere.

Dia Yudenich


What kind of soil does a banana tree need?

Soil: Bananas will grow in most soils, but to thrive, they should be planted in a rich, well-drained soil. The best possible location would be above an abandoned compost heap. They prefer an acid soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. The banana is not tolerant of salty soils.

Katharyn Campana


How often do you fertilize banana trees?

During the summer,fertilize your Banana Trees once a month with a well-balanced organic fertilizer. Formula 10-10-10 is an excellent choice. After your banana harvest, cut your tree back to about 30 inches and let the stem dry out for two weeks before removing it.

Angelina Guilud


How do you take care of a banana tree?

Whether inside or out, potted bananas need full sun, with six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day. They also need lots of water to keep their large leaves well hydrated. Check the soil in your container frequently, especially in hot summer temperatures and if the plant is indoors where humidity might be low.

Chuck Sruthi


How do I know when to pick my bananas?

How to Tell When a Banana is Ripe
  1. The banana should be a light-yellow, greenish color.
  2. Take one down from the bundle, also called the bunch or hand.
  3. When it's time to pick, feel the bananas.
  4. Bananas can be harvested when they are about 75 percent mature and will continue to ripen off the plant.

Hajie El Bouziani


Why are my banana trees turning yellow?

Most cultural problems with bananas, such as heat, over or under watering or insect attack rarely turn the leaves yellow. The most common reason for banana leaves to turn yellow and die, outside of cold weather, is disease.

Primitivo Ageitchik


Are orange peels good for plants?

Orange peels are great for the compost. But in traditional compost piles, orange peels bring in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. It is a good idea to break your peels down into small pieces so they will compost faster, otherwise they can take a lot of time.