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Asked by: Vergelina Teyssier
home and garden indoor environmental qualityAre condensing boilers any good?
Also, which is the most reliable condensing boiler?
Best Condensing Boiler 2020
- Viessmann Vitodens 200-W. Energy Efficiency: 98% Approx.
- ATAG iC Economiser Plus 35. Energy Efficiency: 94%
- Viessmann Vitodens 100-W. Energy Efficiency: 92% to 94%
- Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive with Green iQ combi. Energy Efficiency: 90% to 92%
- Viessmann Vitodens 050-W. Energy Efficiency: 89% to 90%
is a condensing boiler better than a combi?
Condensing boilers are probably the most energy-efficient boilers currently available on the market. The reason they're so efficient is because they condense water vapour in the exhaust gases. They weigh a lot more than a standard (and much more than a combi) boiler.
Boilers should last up to 15 years. If yours is approaching that age, then think about saving for a new one. If you want to keep your boiler in tip-top condition for longer, annual services are the way to go. They help to keep your boilers efficient and lower the risk of malfunctions.