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Asked by: Hristiyan Jiznevsky
careers resume writing and adviceAre creative resumes a good idea?
Also, what kind of resume do employers prefer?
The three most common resume formats arereversechronological, hybrid, and digital.
Simply so, do employers prefer one page resumes?
The traditional school of thought thatentry-levelcandidates should only provide a one-pageresume mayalso be false. ResumeGo said employers are 1.4times aslikely to prefer two-page resumesoverone-page resumes when it came to entry-leveljobopenings.
Colorful paperandflashy gimmicks will not get your resume read byhiringmanagers, but good content set up in a presentableformatwill. In reality, the hiring manager is not going totake the timeto do that, so your resume format needsto dothat for them.