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Asked by: Janka Verre
food and drink desserts and bakingAre dehydrated bananas supposed to be chewy?
Consequently, how do you tell when dehydrated bananas are done?
Turn the dehydrator on to 135 degrees and go about your day. Check the bananas after about six hours; it typically takes mine six to eight hours, but this varies depending upon the thickness of the banana slices. A perfectly dehydrated banana slice is leathery and dry, but might be slightly sticky to the touch.
Also question is, how ripe should bananas be for dehydrating?
To dehydrate bananas, you want ripe bananas. They're not as good if they're green and the more ripe they are the sweeter your dry bananas are, so I like to dry them at the “just right” stage.
Dehydrated Bananas. A fresh banana gets about 75 percent of its weight from water, according to the USDA. Ounce for ounce, dehydrated bananas are about four times higher in fiber, potassium, carbohydrates, sugar and calories than the fresh variety.