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Asked by: Ahmedou Mollet
home and garden indoor environmental qualityAre digital thermostats better than analog?
In this way, do digital thermostats save money?
When used correctly, programmable thermostatsaretouted as saving the homeowner 10-30% on their heatingandcooling bills. The reason few programmable thermostatssavemoney is because while occupants do use less energywhenthey are away or sleeping, they tend to use more when they areathome.
Regarding this, what is analog thermostat?
The thermostat is the controller of yourheatingand air conditioning system. The old analog(mercury)thermostats are literally getting left inthedust.
Thermostats with mercury willhavethe “Hg” sign for mercury on thepackaging. Mostthermostats sold today don't containmercury.Programmable electronic thermostats and manymanualthermostats are now mercury-free.