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Asked by: Ladislaa Wilfart
technology and computing tablets and e readersAre e readers better than books?
Also to know is, what is the best e reader?
Here are the best ebook readers and Kindles in2019:
- Best ebook reader overall: Kindle Oasis.
- Best 8-inch ebook reader: Kobo Forma.
- Best waterproof ebook reader: Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2.
- Best waterproof mid-range Kindle: Amazon KindlePaperwhite.
- Best budget Kindle: Amazon's cheapest Kindle.
Similarly, you may ask, are e readers better for the environment?
Tony Cenicola/The New York Times Which has the highercarbon footprint, a Kindle or a conventional book? A new studyanalyzing the Amazon Kindle electronic book reader's impacton the environment suggests that, on average, the carbonemitted over the life of the device is offset after the first yearof use.
Print books are better at conveying information.A study reported in the Guardian last year found thatreaders using a Kindle were less likely to recall events ina mystery novel than people who read the same novel inprint. The books you bought in college will still bereadable in 50 years.