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Asked by: Haruna Hartje
home and garden home entertainingAre earbuds better for your health than headphones?
While both earbuds and headphonespresentthe risk of high decibel levels and longexposure,earbuds are actually more likely to causedamage.Headphones sit outside the ear, so there islessnatural amplification. Headphones also block moreofthe background sounds.
Besides, are headphones better for you than earbuds?
Outside-the-ear headphones are abetteroption, as unlike earbuds which deliver musicdirectly intothe ear, they provide somewhat of a buffering spacebetween themusic and the ear canal. However — althoughheadphonesare a safer choice than earbuds when itcomes to hearing— they are not without theirdrawbacks.
Then, what is a safe volume for earbuds?
Experts recommend keeping sound levels atsomewherebetween 60 and 85 decibels to minimize the damageyour earsare exposed to.
TechRadar's best earbud and in-earheadphonesreviews
- 1More Triple Driver In-Ear Headphone. The best in-earheadphoneto buy.
- Mi Neckband. One of the best sounding earbuds fortheprice.
- OnePlus Bullets Wireless 2.
- Sony MDR-XB510AS.
- JBL E25BT.
- Skullcandy Ink'd.
- Beyerdynamic iDX 200 iE.
- Klipsch Reference X6i.