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Asked by: Hamma Gourdin
technology and computing wearable technologyAre Fitness Tracker calories accurate?
Your fitness monitor may not be able toestimateenergy expenditure down to the exact calorie, but itcanstill be useful. Most studies have found these trackerstobe accurate when it comes to counting steps, makingthemgreat motivational tools to help you sit a little less and movealittle more.
Beside this, which fitness tracker is most accurate for calories burned?
The Fitbit Charge 2, which is the best sellingfitnesstracker on the market, was very accurate intestingcalories burned while running, underestimatingby4%.
Thereof, do fitness trackers accurately count calories?
Fitness trackers' accuracy varieswidelyfor calories burned. (Reuters Health) - Even thoughmanypeople swear by fitness trackers to help lose weightandstay in shape, a review of existing research confirms that manyofthese gadgets are not very good at measuring how much energyweburn.
5 Most Accurate Activity & FitnessTrackers[2019]
- Why do you need an accurate fitness / activity tracker?
- Why insist on an “accurate” fitness &activitytracker?
- Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband.
- Waterfi Waterproof Fitbit Alta.
- Garmin Vivoactive.
- Garmin Vívofit Fitness Band.
- Fitbit Flex.
- So, Which Of These Trackers Is The Most Reliable/Precise?