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Asked by: Latashia Carnero
home and garden outdoor decoratingAre fluorescent lights OK for plants?
Fluorescent lights are ideal for plants with low to medium light requirements, like African violets. They are also good for starting vegetables indoors. In addition to this, fluorescent bulbs use 75 percent less energy than incandescent lights.
Simply so, what plants do well with fluorescent lights?
- African Violet. The African violet (Saintpaulia spp.) is one of the most satisfactory flowering plants for growing under lights, states David Trinklein of the University of Missouri.
- Peace Lily. The peace lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)
- Snake Plant.
- Philodendron.
- Dracaena.
In this manner, is LED or fluorescent better for plants?
When your grow requires a long daily run—particularly in the vegetative stage—LEDs can offer a smarter and more efficient choice. Although LEDs often have a higher installation cost, these bulbs last longer and use less electricity. While fluorescent options emit heat and light in all directions, LEDs are directional.
Fluorescent grow lights can be an inexpensive lighting option for a small farm operation, but not every fluorescent light is the same. If you're not using the right kind, you won't have enough light to grow.