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Hereof, what do amphibians and reptiles have in common?
internal fertilization?.However,reptile eggs tend to have a harder shellwhileamphibians have soft, permeable eggs, more like fisheggs. Abig difference in their development is that amphibianshavean aquatic larval form after hatching.
Additionally, are turtles amphibians?
Amphibians are animals adapted to living bothonland and in water. Though turtles live in or aroundwaterbodies, they are not amphibians but reptiles. A reptileis aterrestrial vertebrate covered by a scaly hardshell.Turtles belong to Phylum Chordata of theReptiliaclass.
Quick Answer. Reptiles have skin coveredwithscales, breathe air through lungs, and lay hard-shelled eggsonland. Amphibians are animals that can live on landorin water, and they are characterized by moistglandularskin, gills, and a lack of scales.