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Asked by: Terese Feldstein
hobbies and interests beekeepingAre honey bees attracted to Lemongrass?
In this manner, is Lemongrass good for bees?
Lemongrass Oil – The most popular essentialoil used for honey bees is Lemongrass. It is used as atreatment for pests, supplement for health boost or as a bait tolure honeybee swarms to traps. Lemongrass is antifungal andantibacterial. This essential oil does mimic some common honey beepheromones.
Keeping this in view, what essential oils attract bees?
The essential oils you can add to honey arelavender, frankincense, tea tree, geranium, peppermint, lemon andchamomile. Bees are naturally attracted to plantsfrom which we get most essential oils including spearmint,lemongrass, thyme and lavender among others.
Lemongrass oil, which is closely related tocitronella, repels a greater variety of pests than most natural"one-scented" oil mixtures. Lemongrass oil can bemixed with lemon eucalyptus oil for an insectrepellent than can protect you for 5 to 6 hours perapplication.