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Asked by: Sharri Oestermann
home and garden landscapingAre hydrangeas good for wedding bouquets?
Also know, how many hydrangeas do I need for a bridal bouquet?
Roses usually have small to medium-size blossoms. Tofillout a bridal bouquet, your florist would probablysuggestbetween 24 and 36 stems. You would then use the number ofstems inyour bridal bouquet to decide on the size forthebridesmaids' bouquets.
Similarly one may ask, do hydrangeas last in bouquets?
These simple tips will keep yourhydrangeasfresh and beautiful for a week or longer. Nothingmakes your homefeel more alive than one or two arrangementsof freshflowers. These three secrets to long lastingcuthydrangeas will keep them from wilting and theyshouldlast up to a week…maybe longer.
How to make your hydrangeas last longer:
- Add sugar to room temperature water (sugar feeds thestems)
- Add soap to room temperature water in the vase (soapkeepsbacteria away)
- Remove the leaves (they take up a lot of water)
- Cut the stems on an angle and cut up the stem (they can soakupmore water)