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Asked by: Aristarco Trennery
hobbies and interests freelance writingAre likes or follows better on Facebook?
Thereof, is it better to have followers or likes on Facebook?
Anyone who has liked your page can choosetounfollow you but will remain “liking” the page.Inother words, your page will still register the like, buttheaccount will not see the content that your business posts intheirfeed. As one source puts it, “Likes aregoodbut followers are better.
People also ask, what is the difference between follows and likes on Facebook?
When someone likes a Page, they're showingsupportfor the Page and that they want to see content from it. ThePagewill show up as being liked in the About section ofthatperson's profile. When someone follows a Page, it meanstheymay receive updates about the Page in their NewsFeed.
A Like is an expression of casual affinity. Itindicatesthe visitor has an interest in your business and wants tohear fromyou. It's similar to someone opting-in to receive emailupdates.This can lead to the building of more personalrelationships withcustomers and a greater degree of engagement withthem, aswell.