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Asked by: Narjisse Harbaum
business and finance green solutionsAre low flow toilets good for septic systems?
Furthermore, what toilet is best for septic tanks?
Biodegradable Toilet Paper All toilet paper will eventually break down inside your septic tank, but biodegradable types will require less water to break down and will dissolve much faster, making it a good choice for use with a septic system.
Accordingly, do low flush toilets cause sewer problems?
Low flow toilets can have various problems. The most significant problem occurs when the toilet fails to flush away all the waste because there is not enough “oomph” due to the lower level of water. Without enough water to push the waste through the sewer system, the sewage can get backed up, causing horrific odors.
Re: Dawn difference to others dish soap All surfactants are readily biodegradable. These products are safe for septic tanks. There is a reason it's used during ecological disasters like the accident with the Exxon Valdez.