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Asked by: Mimoun Goth
technology and computing information and network securityAre Number names proper nouns?
Subsequently, one may also ask, are numbers proper nouns?
Numbers are usually considered a category oftheir own: number words. Still of course you can use a number wordlike a noun. The 42 in this example acts like a propernoun, thus ceasing to be a proper number, however,because it is no longer representing a quantitativerelationship.
Correspondingly, are subject names proper nouns?
Proper nouns are nouns that namespecific people, places, or things. Proper adjectives areadjectives that are formed from proper nouns. Sometimes, itcan be hard to know when a word is being used as a propernoun or not. B. Capitalize the names of schoolsubjects only when you use them to refer to a specificcourse.
Defining Proper Nouns A proper noun functions in exactly the same wayas a common noun. It is a person, place, thing, or idea.However, these types of nouns noun are capitalized.Proper nouns include the days of the week, the months of theyear, towns, cities, streets, states, countries, andbrands.