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Asked by: Awatif Do Carmo
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsAre old German marks worth anything?
Keeping this in view, how much is a 1923 German mark worth?
Value range: 10 cents – $6.00. Some of thelaterhigher denomination notes were issued for such a short timethatthey are genuinely rare. For example the 100Billionen(German for Trillion) mark note brings closeto$5,000 in uncirculated condition. (At the time this equaledUS$100.)
One may also ask, what is a mark in German money?
The Germans usually called it D-Mark when referringtothe currency, and Mark when talking about individual sums. In1999,the Deutsche Mark was replaced by the Euro; its coinsandbanknotes remained in circulation, defined in termsofeuros, until the introduction of euro notes andcoinson 1 January 2002.
Therefore the Rentenbank in November 1923 issuedtheRentenmark, a currency backed by mortgaged landandindustrial goods worth 3.2 billion Rentenmark.TheRentenmark was pegged to the U.S. Dollar at a rate of1Dollar: 4.20 RM. At the end of the First World War, theDeutschmarkwas valued at 4.63 to the U.S. $.