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Asked by: Qiaoqiao Einaudi
real estate real estate renting and leasingAre patents public record?
Also, are patents public information?
Patents are granted by patent officesinexchange for a full disclosure of the invention. In general,thedetails of the invention are then published and made availabletothe public at large. It is important to file apatentapplication before publicly disclosing the details ofaninvention.
Keeping this in view, how do I look up patents?
Start at Next, under the headingRelatedUSPTO Services, click on Tools to Help Searching byPatentClassification. You can now start searching.Patent searchesmay also be done and at a number ofother freesites.
Public domain patents are created whenapatent is now publicly usable. The patent may beinthe public domain because it hasn't beenproperlymaintained, or because its term has expired. Even ifapatent is properly maintained, they expire afterseveralyears.