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Also asked, is it safe to have a space heater on all night?
Although modern heaters have safety featuresbuiltin, you should never leave a space heaterrunningovernight. Whether your heater runs on gasorelectricity, it houses an element that gets hot enough to startafire, and that's a good reason to turn it off atnight.Never leave a space heater running whileyousleep.
One may also ask, is it safe to leave electric heater on?
That it's OK to leave them switched on allnight.None of those is OK to do, say experts. Their messageissimple: if you must use a portable electric heater, itneedsto have someone keeping an eye on it at all times. Never letit gettoo close to anything which can burn, and turn it off ifyouleave it.
While infrared heaters cannot causecancer,it is also important to know whether it canpollute theindoor air. There are two types of infraredheaters: electricand gas. Electric heaters convertelectrical energy into heatenergy by using coils that are goodconductors, which doesnot result in anypollution.