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Asked by: Barbel Rampazzo
technology and computing photo editing softwareAre Portable Apps Safe?
In respect to this, how do portable apps work?
A portable app is simply one that doesn't useaninstaller. All the files required to run theappreside in a single folder, which you can put anywhere onthesystem. If you move the folder, the app willstillwork the same.
Likewise, what is portable apps platform?
your computer, without the computer™ The Platform™ isafull-featured portable software system that ties allyourportable apps together and lets you build your owncustomportable app suite for use in your synced cloudfolder, onyour local PC, or on a portableUSBdrive.
Difference between portable andinstallereditions. Some of our software products are offered intwoeditions: portable and installed.Portableapplication is just an executable file. Theinstaller placesthe application into a specific folder(usually in Program Files),creates shortcuts and adds anuninstaller.