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Asked by: Yuxiang Pechnikov
business and finance green solutionsAre septic systems environmentally friendly?
Similarly one may ask, do septic systems pollute?
Groundwater pollution In septic systems, wastewater drains from toilets and sinks into an underground tank, then through porous pipes in a leach field, where surrounding sand filters out bacteria and other pathogens. "As a result, untreated sewage can end up polluting nearby groundwater."
Likewise, people ask, what is the best septic system?
Precast Concrete Septic Tanks Are The Clear Choice The best choice is a precast concrete septic tank. Precast septic tanks hold many advantages over plastic, steel, or fiberglass tanks. This is why so many cities and towns actually require the use of concrete septic tanks.
The SEPTIC tank three chambers RS works by gravity of foams and fats (lighter) and sludge. The incoming wastewater pass through three different rooms and while within lightest materials date back to flotation and heavier materials fall on the bottom of the tank.