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Asked by: Felip Diepenbruck
personal finance mutual fundsAre short term investments a current asset?
Short-term investments are typically reported as a current asset on the balance sheet and are often grouped in with the cash and cash equivalents categories. These investments can also be listed as trading securities if they are actively managed.
Thereof, what are short term investments on balance sheet?
A short term investment is any investment made with the expectation to convert it into cash in one year or less. They are part of the account in the current assets section of a company's balance sheet.
Similarly, what accounts are short term investments?
Some common examples of short term investments include CDs, money market accounts, high-yield savings accounts, government bonds and Treasury bills. Usually, these investments are high-quality and highly liquid assets or investment vehicles.
Overview: Top short-term investments in February 2020
- Savings accounts.
- Short-term corporate bond funds.
- Short-term US government bond funds.
- Money market accounts.
- Certificates of deposit.
- Cash management accounts.
- Treasurys.