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Asked by: Freya Utter
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsAre silver jubilee coins legal tender?
Accordingly, are silver coins legal tender?
TheAmerican Silver Eagle coin has a tender valueof $1. It is possible to use this coin as legaltender, but because the value of the silver greatlyexceeds the face value of the coin, this is notrecommended.
Also Know, are silver Britannias legal tender?
Silver Britannia coins can be used aslegal tender, which means they will be accepted for paymentof a debt but only at their nominal face value - even though theiractual value exceeds this amount due to the quantity of puresilver the coin contains.
As they are not circulating legal tender, banks andbuilding societies have never been obliged to acceptcommemorative coins. “The value of acommemorative coin – that is, non-circulatingcoins – is as a collectable item. They aretreasured for their aesthetic and collectable or rarityvalue,” says Manders.