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Asked by: Mhand Vallbracht
style and fashion womens jewelry and watchesAre slap bracelets dangerous?
Thereof, are slap bracelets illegal?
The slap bracelet was a popular fad amongchildren, pre-teens, and teenagers in the late 1980s, and wasavailable in a wide variety of patterns and colors. Thebracelet was banned in several schools following reports ofinjuries from worn or modified bracelets.
Thereof, how do slap bracelets work?
Slap wristbands are a kind of clothing accessorythat are made of a thin strip of metal, similar to the dimensionsof metal tape measure. an its usually covered in some sort offabric. These snap bracelets are fun and best gifts for anyevents.
Slap Bracelet. Created by Stuart Anders, aWisconsin shop teacher, slap bracelets were as much a1980s social phenomenon as a toy craze. But it wasn't untilEugene Murtha, president of Main Street Toy Co., agreed todistribute them that they became slap bracelets — anda smashing success.