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Asked by: Kaltouma Frizzi
technology and computing data storage and warehousingAre SSDs more reliable than HDDs?
Likewise, are SSDs faster than HDDs?
In its simplest form, an SSD is flash storage andhas no moving parts whatsoever. As a result, they're smaller andtake up less space in a PC case, in some instances even mountingdirectly to the motherboard. SSD storage is much fasterthan its HDD equivalent. They're larger than SSDsand much slower to read and write.
Regarding this, how reliable are SSD hard drives?
SSD prices and reliability But despite their performance advantages, SSDsonly have a 10% market share compared to HDDs for a couple ofreasons. First and foremost, they're expensive. HDDs today averagearound 3-4 cents per GB, compared to 25-30 cents forSSDs.
A laptop might come with a 128GB or 256GB SSDinstead of a 1TB or 2TB hard drive. A 1TB harddrive stores eight times as much as a 128GB SSD, andfour times as much as a 256GB SSD. If you have thousands ofmusic files, thousands of photos, and hundreds of movies, they'reprobably not going to fit on a laptop.