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Asked by: Rayhana Sellares
hobbies and interests beekeepingAre there any poisonous caterpillars in Michigan?
Also to know is, does Michigan have poisonous caterpillars?
Poisonous Caterpillars Have Been Found In Michigan. Growing up, it was always a thrill to find a fuzzy caterpillar and let it crawl up your hand or on your arm. Now that thrill can be poisonous. It's called a Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar and it has been found in mid-Michigan.
Then, are there poisonous caterpillars in Iowa?
Poisonous Caterpillars Appear In Iowa. Iowans, think twice before you touch any little, fuzzy caterpillars this fall. The American Dagger Caterpillar is not the bug you want to mess with. They are about two inches long and are covered in bright yellow-green bristles with black bristles near the head and rear.
Caterpillars that are brightly colored, have spines or hairs are probably venomous and should not be touched. Underneath the exterior of the puss caterpillar are small spines that break off; the rear ends of the American dagger moth caterpillars have bristles that embed in skin.