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Asked by: Nolasco Keating
medical health digestive disordersAre there Assassin bugs in Pennsylvania?
Just so, are kissing bugs found in Pennsylvania?
While Chagas disease is common in Latin America and still relatively rare in the U.S., the CDC said kissing bugs have now been found in about 30 states, including Pennsylvania. The insects have also been found along the border of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, meaning they may be crossing into the Garden State.
Also know, how deadly is a kissing bug?
Chronic Chagas can last a lifetime and many don't have symptoms. However, cardiac and gastrointestinal complications, which can be fatal, can occur in around 20% to 30% of people, the CDC says.
Description and Location There are 11 species of kissing bugs. They are endemic in Mexico and in Central and South America. In the US, they are found in the southern states. They live primarily outdoors near their hosts—humans, pets, rodents, birds, reptiles, and wild and domesticated animals.