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Asked by: Itzal Ustyantsev
hobbies and interests woodworkingAre there different grades of treated lumber?
Likewise, people ask, are there different types of pressure treated wood?
There are two types of treated wood: preservative-treated wood and pressure-preservative-treated wood (pressure treated lumber). One common misconception is that treated wood is more resistant to water, but that's not true. Treated wood will soak up just as much water as non-treated wood.
Accordingly, what is the difference between standard and premium pressure treated wood?
What is the difference between premium board and the standard board is the 5/4 treated decking boards. It looks look like the Premium runs 17.77 for a 6" 16' deck board and a standard is 8.97 for 6" 16' deck board.
Pressure treating does make wood rot resistant. But — it doesn't make wood water resistant. Pressure treated wood still soaks and looses moisture.