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Asked by: Collins Giugliano
hobbies and interests beekeepingAre there thorns on blueberry bushes?
Keeping this in consideration, do blueberry trees have thorns?
There are a few types of blueberry bush. Those grown for commercial cultivation are usually Highbush varieties, which are exactly what they sound like. These bushes grow higher and produce berries that are easier to harvest, for that reason. Blueberry bushes do not have thorns.
Secondly, what kind of berries have thorns?
Raspberries (Rubus idaeus), a bramble fruit, grow in dense, thorny thickets, but regular pruning keeps them neat and contained. Most raspberry bushes have thorns, but some cultivated varieties are thornless.
Thorns are present in native blackberry plants and the thorns prevent grazing wildlife, animals and birds from eating the vines before the berry bushes flower and later when blackberries are produced.