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Asked by: Vonda Basobilbaso
video gaming music and party video gamesAre they still making Lego dimensions?
Also question is, is Lego dimensions still being made?
LEGO DIMENSIONS Discontinued. LEGOwillstop producing new entries into the DIMENSIONline,effective immediately. The company announced that the gameserverswill continue to run and all existing expansion packs willremainavailable for purchase, but they have pulled the plug on anynewadditions to the theme.
Hereof, how much does Lego dimensions cost?
The grand total comes to $334.85. And that's withouttax.Obviously there's no need to go all in like that. Everythingyouneed to play the game comes in comes in the $100LEGODimensions Starter Pack, which has a pretty greatstartinglineup in the form of Batman, Gandalf, andWyldstyle.
LEGO Dimensions Minifigures ConfirmedRemovableFrom Bases. For those who are wondering if the minifigureson thebases for LEGO Dimensions can be removed ornot,there's some good news. You can now rest assure thattheminifigures can be added to your LEGOcollectionwithout harming any of the components.