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Asked by: Raymunda Schmache
food and drink barbecues and grillingAre turkey tenderloins white meat?
Turkey tenderloins are the tender long strip ofwhite meat hidden under the turkey breast. Becausethis strip of meat is an underused muscle of theturkey, it is very tender and excellent forrecipes.
In this regard, is turkey tenderloin the same as turkey breast?
But the turkey tenderloin — a thick stripof meat cut from between the bird's breasts — turnsout to be a convenient, delicious and healthy alternative. Becausethe tenderloin doesn't get much of a workout when the birdis alive, the meat is particularly tender.
Consequently, how do you know when Turkey tenderloin is done?
Use a meat thermometer to check the internaltemperature. To be thoroughly cooked, the center of theturkey tenderloins should reach at least 165 degrees,according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.