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Asked by: Dilip Lichtenstein
technology and computing computer networkingAre UDP packets fragmented?
In this manner, what fragmented packets?
IP fragmentation is an Internet Protocol(IP)process that breaks packets into smaller pieces(fragments),so that the resulting pieces can pass through a linkwith a smallermaximum transmission unit (MTU) than the originalpacketsize. The fragments are reassembled by thereceivinghost.
Similarly one may ask, what is UDP packet size?
The field size sets a theoretical limit of65,535bytes (8 byte header + 65,527 bytes of data) for aUDPdatagram. However the actual limit for the datalength,which is imposed by the underlying IPv4 protocol, is65,507 bytes(65,535 − 8 byte UDP header − 20byte IPheader).
5 Answers. UDP datagrams have little todowith the MTU size you can make them as big as youlike up tothe 64K is maximum mentioned above. When you create aUDPdatagram larger than the underlying MTU (which asindicatedis most often be ethernet) then it will be quietly bebroken upinto a number of 1500 byte frames.