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Similarly, are nouns always capitalized?
These types of nouns are usually notcapitalized (unless they begin a sentence or are part of atitle).Proper nouns are the names of a specific person,place, or thing. The basic capitalization rule of propernouns is that the first letters arecapitalized.
Accordingly, is I a proper noun?
Yes, it's a pronoun (the first-person-singular subjectpronoun) and I consider a pronoun to be a specific type ofnoun. It can be also be treated as a proper noun, asin “'I' is the 9th letter of the alphabet”, oras a common noun, as in “There is a silent 'i'in the word 'friend'”.
Aproper noun is a specific (i.e., not generic) namefor a particular person, place, or thing. Proper nouns arealways capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in asentence.