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Asked by: Purisima Ingermann
business and finance gasoline pricesAre you supposed to refrigerate sesame oil?
The precise answer depends to a large extent onstorageconditions - to maximize the shelf life of openedsesameoil, refrigerate after opening. Openedsesame oilwill usually keep for about 12 months when storedin therefrigerator.
Beside this, does sesame oil go in the fridge?
When it comes to an opened bottle of sesameoil,the oil should retain good quality for at least 6months ifstored in the pantry and a year if it sits in thefridge.Sesame oil can often last much longer withoutgoingrancid.
Likewise, people ask, how long is sesame oil good for after opening?
If you have an old bottle of unopened sesameoil,go ahead and give it a try, but it's best to open yourbottlewithin six months of purchase.
The signs of rancid sesame oil are similar to those signsinany other oil:
- A sour or otherwise unpleasant odor. Sesame oil shouldbefragrant, with a pleasing smell of fresh sesame seeds.
- A bad or off taste. Fresh sesame oil is nutty andslightlymusky.