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Asked by: Karlene Enri
medical health bone and joint conditionsAre your eyebrows on your forehead?
Also question is, are there nerves in your forehead?
The motor nerves of theforeheadconnect to the facial nerve. Theophthalmicbranch of the trigeminal nerve,thesupraorbital nerve, divides at the orbitalrim intotwo parts in the forehead. One part, thesuperficialdivision, runs over the surface oftheoccipitofrontalis muscle.
Beside this, what does the shape of your forehead mean?
Wisdom is judged by the shape oftheforehead. Generally, a broad forehead (wide andhigh)is preferable. People with a broad forehead enjoy beingincharge. Talented and open minded, these people are born toorganizeand lead others. They enjoy thinking, observing and comingup withtheir new conclusions.
One of the meanings of the word 'temple' is a sideofthe forehead. This word is derived from the Latin word'tempus'which is in turn derived from Greek and means a'vitalspot'.