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Asked by: Marilou Desideri
healthy living childrens healthAt what age should you start taking omega 3?
Beside this, when should you start taking omega 3?
For decades, many omega-3 users have also opted to take their supplements first thing in the morning. However, researchers point out that omega-3 fatty acids need to be consumed with food — and preferably of the high-fat variety — to be absorbed well (2).
Considering this, should I take fish oil in my 20s?
In Your 20s Taking this once a day will cover all your bases." "Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish oil can significantly improve heart health and thus reduce the risk of heart disease.
In general, most studies indicate that 120–1,300 mg of combined DHA and EPA per day is beneficial for children ( 25 , 26 ). Still, to prevent any adverse effects, it's best to consult a trusted healthcare professional before starting your child on supplements. Your child's omega-3 needs vary by age and gender.