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Asked by: Grazia Quenoy
music and audio science and medicine podcastsAt what level does Onix evolve into steelix?
Keeping this in consideration, how do you evolve Onix into steelix?
In order to evolve your Onix intoSteelix,you'll need an item called Metal Coat. Once yourOnix isholding the Metal Coat, trading it will trigger theevolutioninto Steelix. In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, youcan makeSteelix evolve into Mega Steelixduringbattles.
Keeping this in consideration, at which level does Onix evolve?
??? Iwark) is adual-typeRock/Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation I.Itevolves into Steelix when traded holding aMetalCoat.
Onix is already one of the largestPokémonat 28'10" (8.8 m) long, but Brock's Onix(before it evolved)was shown to be slightly bigger thanBrock's size, and inClimbing the Walls!, Grant's Onix wassometimes shown to betwice the normal size.