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Asked by: Assan Mugaire
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesAt what percentage body fat do veins show?
Similarly, you may ask, at what percentage body fat abs show?
Lean Body Fat Levels for Abs To reveal abdominal definition, and possibly asix-pack, most men need to achieve a body fat percentage ofsix to nine percent; women need to reach 16 to 19 percentbody fat. The leaner you are, the more likely it is thatdefined abs will show.
Age | Percentage |
20-39 | 8-19% |
40-59 | 11-21% |
60-79 | 13-24% |
Just so, does seeing veins mean low body fat?
Prominent veins are known in the fitness world asa condition called vascularity. Along with more visibleveins, the surrounding skin looks thin, which enhances thevisual appeal. This is partially due to low levels ofsubcutaneous fat, which helps achieve defined veinsand muscles.
In males, mean percentage body fat ranged from 22.9% atage 16–19 years to 30.9% at age 60–79 years.
Typical body fat amounts.
Description | Women | Men |
Athletes | 14–20% | 6–13% |
Fitness | 21–24% | 14–17% |
Average | 25–31% | 18–24% |
Obese | 32%+ | 25%+ |