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Tutoring. Kids aged 13 to 14 yearscan take on tutoring jobs to earn extra money. Thismight include helping younger kids with homework, serving as a paidstudy-buddy for classmates struggling with grades, ortutoring adults in some of their own skills, whether it'splaying the violin or speaking Spanish.
Just so, at what age can you tutor?
13 years old
how much should a teenage tutor charge?
Individuals generally charge according to theirlevel of education and experience. Expect to pay $30 to $40 perhour for a high school student, and up to $85 per hour for acertified teacher with top-notch experience. A teacher trained andqualified to work with children with special needs will likelycharge more.
You can find the students totutor it's so easy. You just need to register yourtutor account with the tutoring websites and afterthat, you can start your tutoringcareer.