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People also ask, can 2 people at same address claim head of household?
The IRS has adopted the perspective that "headofhousehold filing status is not a matter simply determinedbyphysical boundaries, but by all the facts of a case." Inotherwords, just because two families share thesamephysical address, that does not automaticallymean theycannot both be head of household.
Additionally, can both parents file as head of household?
Both parents cannot use the same qualifyingpersonto justify their filing as head of household.Theparents are divorced or legally separated, live apart,andboth file as head of household, but the children livewithjust one of the parents. The qualifying person mustlivewith the head of household.
IRS Memorandum SCA 1998-041 Two adults can share the same houseand,if they otherwise qualify, each is a head of householdasthe IRS defines it.