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Asked by: Outmane Boyanov
style and fashion skin careCan 20 volume developer lighten hair by itself?
In this regard, can developer lighten hair by itself?
Can Developer Lighten Hair and CanYouLighten Hair With Just Developer? Yes,developercan lighten “virgin hair” orhairthat hasn't been previously dyed. The only catch is,youcan't predict what color it will turn withouttoneror color.
Similarly, it is asked, how long does it take for developer to lighten hair?
If you are using 20 volume developer withahair color (as opposed to a lightener or bleachingagent)then 20 to 30 minutes is the ideal range to leave it onyourhair. Not only does the color become inactiveafter30 minutes, but your scalp may start to feel irritated if youleaveit on any longer.
Developer helps the color penetratethehair shaft and become permanent. Hydrogenperoxidedeveloper lifts the cuticle layer of thehairand depending on the strength of the activatorthe cuticlewill lift more or less. Most bleach and haircolor formulasuse developer at either 10, 20, 30 or in somecases40.