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Asked by: Yelyzaveta Gorris
medical health digestive disordersCan a barium swallow detect an ulcer?
Similarly, it is asked, can a barium swallow detect stomach ulcers?
Upper gastrointestinal series. Sometimes called a barium swallow, this seriesofX-rays of your upper digestive system creates images ofyouresophagus, stomach and small intestine. During theX-ray,you swallow a white liquid (containing barium)thatcoats your digestive tract and makes an ulcermorevisible.
Also Know, can Ulcers be detected by blood tests?
The most common laboratory test fordiagnosingpeptic ulcers is a blood test for thepresence ofantibodies to H. pylori. A stool sample may be collectedto lookfor the H. pylori antigen. A breath test also isavailable.Some invasive procedures may be used to diagnoseanulcer.
The endoscope is passed down your throat intoyourstomach and small intestine. The scope sends a picture toamonitor. An upper GI endoscopy can help diagnose causesofbleeding, cancer, gastritis, growths and ulcers. It mayalsodetect a type of bacteria that causes ulcers,H.pylori.